insurEco Expands its Blockchain Enabled Solution with Rich Property Insights from BuildFax, the largest database of building & maintenance records in existence.
Blockchain is being heralded as the biggest revolution for the insurance industry since the internet. Is it really the disruptor everyone is talking about?
The next generation of commission is here insurEco Wallet Vig Settlement System TOC Executive Overview Customer Journey and User Stories Main System Objects wallet vig vigCon exchangeOrder Primary System Engines Executive Overview insurEco System - 1. insurTech 2. Markets 3. Finance insurEco Banking Opportunity There is an opportunity in the insurance banking market, We are seeing a shift to online/digital based wholesalers who are automating processes and accounting is the most difficult to transform.
Easily be complaint by adopting this simple API
Get State Max Fee API Public API to determine max fees allowed by state. This is operated by insurEco public innovation team and will be updated as new state rules come out. This is the same API used in raterSpot Multi-Rating System.
Feel free to use this in your innovations to ensure you are always complaint with any and all state fees regarding charging insurance fees in the USA.
Easily be complaint by adopting this simple API
Get State Max Fee API Public API to determine max fees allowed by state. This is operated by insurEco public innovation team and will be updated as new state rules come out. This is the same API used in raterSpot Multi-Rating System.
Feel free to use this in your innovations to ensure you are always complaint with any and all state fees regarding charging insurance fees in the USA.
Organizations seeking to analyze and manage cyber risk encounter challenges with ever-changing environments, both internally and externally. It is difficult to make sense of risk without having a common understanding of all the factors, which comprise the risk and their relationship to one another.
Maxxsure’s M-Score helps organizations to score, standardize, and quantify the risk.
Dallas, TX - May 18, 2018 - InsurEco System and Maxxsure announce a relationship to create the most integrated insurance cyber scoring and security platform available.
POS data is used to calculate real-time premium at the desired frequency
It’s broadly agreed blockchain is the future of both the internet and business in general. InsurEco System and BevSpot are the latest to utilize this platform with the recent announcement they are collaborating on the execution of a ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ Liquor Liability program.
San Diego, CA - May 18, 2018 - Blockchain is being used in more and more innovative and industry specific ways every day.
insurEco Expands its Blockchain Enabled Solution with Rich Property Insights from BuildFax
Agents, carriers, and captives will now be able to drive underwriting profitability by gaining seamless and integrated access to BuildFax’s powerful risk intelligence data.
San Diego, CA - May 17, 2018 – InsurEco System, the leading insurTech ecosystem, has announced an addition of BuildFax to its fast expanding network of innovation providers. The integration will bring over more than 23 Billion data points on commercial and residential structures to insurEco’s blockchain enabled ecosystem for rating, underwriting, marketing, and claims.
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Blockchain for a frictionless insurance marketplace: An idea about to explode Insurance has been around for centuries. While technology has permanently changed the way insurance business is conducted, the multi-trillion-dollar global insurance industry in many ways, is still stuck in the past. The inherent complexity of the value chain – ranging across consumers, brokers, insurers and reinsurers – made sure that a complete complexion change would always be difficult to achieve.
Chicago, IL - May 15, 2017 The founder of InsureEco, Derek Lovrenich, recently traveled to the OnRamp Insurance Conference in Chicago, Illinois for a showcase regarding the new release of their app. InsureEco’s new app, InsureBio was designed for users to create a biography where they can store their insurance data. This data is stored in Policy Blockchain — InsureEco’s private blockchain — which offers extreme security and prevents the sale of any personal insurance data.
Private blockchains: How it can help insurance industry avoid being branded as ‘a trustless marketplace.’ Blockchain is being heralded as the most significant technical advancement for the insurance industry since the internet. It has the possibility of creating magic like never before by reinventing customer experience, removing process inefficiencies, preventing fraud and reducing the overall cost of doing business. Importantly, it can help the insurance industry create an image of one that cares about its customers.